Thank you to our partners.
Minnesota State Arts Board
E-mail: msab@arts.state.mn.us
540 Fairview Ave N Suite 304, St Paul, MN 55104
Toll-free: 1-800-8MN-ARTS, 1-800-866-2787
Minnesota Relay Service: 711
Region 1
Mara Lunde Hanel
Northwest Regional Arts Council
e-mail: mara@nwrdc.org
109 S Minnesota St
Warren, MN 56762
218-745-9111, 1-800-646-2240
Region 2
Laura Seter
Region 2 Arts Council
e-mail: laura@r2arts.org
505 Bemidji Ave N
PO Box 693
Bemidji, MN 56601
218-751-5447, 1-800-275-5447
Region 3
Becca Graves
Arrowhead Regional Arts Council
e-mail: info@aracouncil.org
424 West Superior Street #104
Duluth, MN 55802
218-722-0952, 1-800-569-8134
Region 4
Maxine Adams
Lake Region Arts Council
e-mail: lrac4@lracgrants.org
133 S. Mill St.
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
218-739-5780, 1-888-735-9622
Region 5
Mark Turner
Five Wings Arts Council
e-mail: mark.fwac@arvig.net
PO Box 118 – 121 4th St NE
Staples, MN 56479
218-895-5660, 1-877-654-2166
Region 6/8
Nicole DeBoer
Southwest MN Arts Council
e-mail: nicole@swmnarts.org
114 North 3rd Street PO Box 55
Marshall, MN 56258
1-800-622-5284, 507-537-1471
Region 7E
Mary Minnick-Daniels
East Central Regional Arts Council
e-mail: director@ecrac.org
540 Weber Ave S Ste 109
Hinckley, MN 55037
Region 7W
Leslie LeCuyer
Central Minnesota Arts Board
e-mail: director@centralmnartsboard.org
PO Box 458
220 Fourth Ave N
Foley, MN 56329
320-968-4290, 1-866-345-7140
Region 9
Anna Pollock
Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council
e-mail: info@plrac.org
105 22nd Ave NE Suite A
Waseca, MN 56093-2930
507-833-8721, 1-800-298-1254
Region 10
Anastasia Shartin
Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council
e-mail: director@semac.org
2778 D Commerce Drive NW
Rochester, MN 55901
Region 11
Kathy Mouacheupao
Metropolitan Regional Arts Council
e-mail: kathy@mrac.org
PO Box 14106
St Paul, MN 55114
Who We Are
Our mission is simple but critical: to improve access to all of the arts for all Minnesotans.
How you can help — right now.
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We know you care about preserving the arts, and we work on behalf of the entire arts community. Financial support from people like you make our work possible.
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