Over 1,400 Minnesota nonprofit arts and culture organizations would qualify for COVID relief funding if SF2551/HF2637 passes.
Does your organization qualify for the proposed $100 million COVID relief bill?

Do you have questions about your ability to qualify for these grants if the bill passes?
Sign-Up and attend the MCA COVID Relief Info sessions to ask questions and get more information about potentially qualifying for this funding!
Wednesday, April 13th from 10 am – 11 am
Tuesday, April 19th from 12 PM - 1 PM

We need your help and attendance! MCA will be hosting an in-person rally for the arts at the Minnesota State Capitol on Thursday, May 5th, 2022 @ 10AM.
We will start on the front steps of the Minnesota State Capitol at 10 am for an outdoor gathering and then go into the Capitol Rotunda at 11 am for an indoor rally!
We really need arts and culture supporters to SHOW LEGISLATORS THE IMPACT OF THIS SECTOR! It is imperative that they see swarms of people supporting this $100 million bill!