MCA Seeking New Board Members
Deadline Nov. 13, 2020
Nominations for MCA's Board Now Open. Minnesota Citizens for the Arts is looking to add four new members to our Board of Trustees from the State of Minnesota. Terms begin December, 2020 and will last for two years.
What makes the arts strong in Minnesota? We have great, talented artists. We have world class museums and orchestras. We have active arts communities in every corner of the state. And we have a higher level of arts participation than most of the country. Minnesota Citizens for the Arts is a statewide, grassroots political organization that works to increase support for the arts in our state. We lobby the legislature and congress on behalf of the non-profit arts and also produce research to support arts advocacy. We created and passed the arts portion of the Legacy Amendment with many legislative partners that now funds the arts across Minnesota. Learn more at and

The full MCA Board meets four times a year in person in addition to holding an annual Arts Advocacy Day at the State Capitol in St. Paul. All members serve on committees that meet primarily by phone.
Interested? Fill out the form below and return itby November 13, 2020 by email, fax, or by snail mail to the address below. MCA's bylaws ensure that board representation comes from all over the state. Half of MCA's 36 board members must come from the Twin Cities metro area, and half from Greater Minnesota.
MCA seeks board members who:
- Have mix of party affiliation, and provide balance in terms of the size or type of organizations represented on the board (large, medium, small, arts education, individual artist, etc.)
- Provide other balances in terms of representing the state or the arts community (ie diversity in terms of age, race, etc).
- Are people with political connections, political strategists, and people with an understanding of the political process, or are willing to learn.
- Have clout within their organizations and/or peers, and have the ability and willingness to communicate about the need for arts advocacy.
- Have a willingness to work, volunteer and join us at our meetings.
- FYI, your nomination to the board is more likely to be successful if you are a paid member of MCA and if you have previously been a part of Arts Advocacy Day, the Legacy campaign, or volunteered for the cause in some other way.
***(Please do not nominate someone else unless you have discussed it with them first, and they have provided an answer to the question "Why do you want to be on the MCA board?).***
Successful applicants will be notified in early December. To nominate yourself for the board, send the answers to the following questions and a current resume or bio to:
Nominee Name:
Home Address:
Work Address:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Organization (If appropriate):
Title (If appropriate):
Legislative District # (If unknown, MCA can identify it for you):
Experience with your local arts community:
Political Experience (desired, but not necessary):
Most importantly: Why are you interested in serving on the MCA Board of Trustees?
Save the Date!
VIRTUAL Arts Advocacy Day will be
February 18, 2021

Arts Advocacy Day will be virtual this year! The state will have a serious budget deficit so we will be going all out to protect arts funding and talk about the importance of the arts to our communities with their representatives at the Capitol.