SAINT PAUL, MN: A new study on the size and impact of the Minnesota Fringe Festival will be released at 6:30 PM on February 24, 2020, by Creative Minnesota, Minnesota Fringe, and Minnesota Citizens for the Arts.The presentation of the results will be made at: Can Can Wonderland, 755 Prior Ave. N. Suite #004, St Paul, MN 55104.
The Minnesota Fringe Creative Minnesota study is part of an ongoing series of research reports about the arts and culture sector in Minnesota. Studies have included the impact and needs of Minnesota’s artists and creative workers, the economic impact of our state’s 1900 nonprofit arts and culture organizations and their audiences, and reviews of other research about the arts sector.
The Minnesota Fringe study is one of eight local reports that will be released in February, 2020.
The Creative Minnesota statewide and regional reports, as well as additional research about Minnesota’s arts and cultural community can be downloaded for free at: Creative Minnesota was developed by a collaborative of arts and culture funders in partnership with Minnesota Citizens for the Arts (MCA). The Creative Minnesota team includes:
- Minnesota Citizens for the Arts (MCA) is a statewide arts advocacy organization whose mission is to ensure opportunity for all people to have access to and involvement in the arts. MCA organizes the arts community and lobbies the Minnesota State Legislature and Congress on issues pertaining to the nonprofit arts and conducts original research. MCA works with over 40,000 arts advocates in Minnesota. 651-251-0868, @MNCitizen
- The McKnight Foundation:
- Target:
- Bush Foundation:
- Mardag Foundation:
- Jerome Foundation:
- The Minnesota State Arts Board:
- Forum of Regional Arts Councils of Minnesota:
- Ideas that Kick:
- Americans for the Arts:
- CURA Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota:
- Minnesota Compass:
- Minnesota Fringe: