April 19, 2021
The Board of Directors of Minnesota Citizens for the Arts (MCA) is pleased to announce the search firm Ballinger Leafblad has been retained to guide its search for MCA’s executive director.
MCA seeks a leader who is a collaborative coalition builder and who is an exceptional listener, organizer, educator, advocate, communicator and connector. MCA is committed to its ongoing work on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion and seeks candidates who embody the vulnerability, empathy, compassion and courage required for this type of adaptive leadership and change management work. This full-time, exempt position is compensated at $148,000 annually and includes a generous benefits package.
MCA is Minnesota’s statewide arts advocacy membership organization that organizes the arts community to lobby the Minnesota State Legislature and Congress. MCA lobbies the Minnesota Legislature for arts funding distributed through the Minnesota State Arts Board and Regional Arts Council system and for policies that support Minnesota’s nonprofit arts organizations and artists. At the federal level, MCA lobbies Congress for funding of the National Endowment for the Arts and for policies and programs that benefit the nonprofit arts community, artists, and the creative economy. Our mission is to ensure opportunity for all people to have access to and involvement in the arts.
A position description may be found here and candidates should send their resume and cover letters to Lars Leafblad (lars@ballingerleafblad.com) for consideration by May 17, 2021. All inquiries will be treated as confidential. A review of candidates will begin immediately.