Looking for info about arts education offered in your school?
You’ve come to the right place.
How do Minnesotans know their students have access to arts education in their schools? It has been challenging to find the answer. Under both state and federal law, schools and districts must report students’ access to arts courses and instruction to the state.
Does your school provide the required arts education access?
Schools are required to provide access to at least three arts disciplines to their students. Check to see if your schools are providing the required access or not.
Here are quick tips and a video on how to navigate the dashboard below:
How does the lack of reporting impact the data?
Approximately 70% of schools are reporting the full data necessary to be included. When examining the data, it is important to keep in mind that not all schools report. However, the data set includes over 1300 schools and 615,000 students from across the state.
If you check your school and find nothing there, urge your school board and staff to get their report in to the Department of Education.“DNR” Means “DID NOT REPORT.”
A few schools in Minnesota do offer dance, but when rounded across statewide data it may show as 0%.
Creative Minnesota, the Minnesota Department of Education and the Perpich Center for Arts Education formed a new partnership in 2019 to bring this information to light. The data will give parents and communities new tools to understand if their young people have equitable access to arts education.